Why Used It Equipment Is A Smart Investment

Why Used It Equipment Is A Smart Investment Investing in used IT equipment has carried with it certain stigmas in the past that span the spectrum between good and bad. Certainly, used equipment has a broad appeal to budget-conscious or cash-strapped companies that are looking for ways to save in this dire recession. What used to be a negative perception for a companys reputation can now be considered an economically-savvy investment. The dark cloud that hangs skepticism over an investment in used equipment is seeded by confusion in the different types of used equipment. Facilities may not understand what they are buying and become disappointed in what they receive. Quality, used equipment is a smart investment because they are a good for your budget and competitive strategy, without a decrease in performance. It is important to understand the difference between used equipment before making a purchase. Equipment that is sold As-is was removed from service to be sold without anything being done to improve it. There is no warranty for the product, nor does the equipment function most of the time. It is highly recommended not to buy as-is equipment for your business. Rebuilt, gently used, and refurbished equipment typically involves some disassembly, recalibration, repair, part replacement and reassembly, while retaining their original system identity and functionality. These terms can be used interchangeably. The purpose of refurbishing equipment is to bring it back to the original manufacturers specifications. If the quality and depth to the work put into the equipment is thorough, refurbished equipment is a smart investment for your company. In these tight fiscal times, the budget remains the primary reason businesses invest in used equipment. Investing in used equipment, such as cisco routers, shouldnt just be about cost savings and fiscal responsibility, but can could play a role in a business overall competitive strategy. If the equipment is thoroughly refurbished and accurately performs the intended procedures, your business will benefit with long term returns and could attract new patients. Many companies make the mistake of getting caught up in the price vs. total cost debate. They confuse the difference between low price of acquisition and low cost of ownership. One involves quick, short term gains, while the other offers longer term returns. If quality, used equipment is acquired, the business could create a release valve for their budget, while increasing their patient list and referral system. It is important to know the background of the vendor before purchasing their equipment. If you invest in a vendor because it is the cheapest price at a perceived good value, it may end up costing the business more over time. You should be especially wary of any items that are gear motor significantly cheaper from one vendor compared to another. Carefully inspect any quotes received and ask questions about any confusing terminology. Acquiring quality, used equipment from an accredited vendor is a smart investment for any business looking to improve their facilities, increase their client base, and exercise fiscal responsibility. At Network Systems Resale, quality and reliability are second to none. Remarketed, gently used and surplus I.T. equipment Worm gear reducers manufacturer is meticulously cleaned at their state of the art testing facility in San Jose, California. Their expert technicians carefully inspect and application test all of their equipment with the highest standards in the industry.